LYDMOR is a critically acclaimed and award-winning Danish artist. She’s notoriously known for always delivering a magical blendof challenging visual shows and combining them with her mesmerizing conceptual electropop.She’s an artist who never compromises and who always goes her own way.In the beginning of 2021,‘CAPACITY’was released. An albumfull of musical contradictions –a place where reality and fiction melt together in a multifaceted soundscape.It is the electronic pop artist’s most personalandcomplex album to date. She’s anything but the typical radio-or streaming artist but her persistence and strong believe in her own voice and art has made LYDMOR one of the absolute most interesting female acts to come out of Denmark.
The brand new LYDMOR-song builds from an acoustic, atmospheric beginning into waves of blissful synth-euphoria. Jenny Rossander aka LYDMOR says: "This is a song aboutrealizingthe fact that love is right there infront of you and doesn’t have to be so damn complicated. I personally love how the tune mingles with the lyric.Especially the part where the morning tide rolls your body to the shore, and you figure out that you’re already exactly where you should be. I’ve added so much love and tenderness to this littlecocktail of a song that the glass almost runs over and it becomes a tide of its own”